Where should I refer to Microsoft.ManagementConsole.dll?

I am trying to follow the instructions located in "How to create a Hello World snap-in" using Visual Studio 2010 and that tells me I need to refer to Micorosft.MagamentConsole.dll which can be found in the MMC 3.0 SDK which in turn is part of Windows SDK.

My problem is that I already have the Windows SDK installed (specifically the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7, versions 7.0 and 7.1 (I'm not sure what the difference is)), however, I cannot find the required Microsoft.ManagementConsole.dll in anywhere:

  • It is not listed in the .Net tab of the Add Reference ... dialog in Visual Studio (even if I change the target project structure to .Net v2.0).
  • It is not located in any of the Microsoft SDK \ Windows folders under the Program Files or Program Files (x86) directories
  • Its also not in the Visual Studio 2010 installation directory
  • And its not in c: \ Windows \ System32 either (as one of the links I found on the internet suggested it might be)

Where should I / should I reference this assembly?


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2 answers

On my system, it is in %ProgramFiles%\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\MMC\v3.0

. This location, "referenced assemblies", also suggests that this is the location from which you should include it.



This worked for me

project -> Add Reference -> Browse -> insert this value C: \ Windows \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ microsoft.managementconsole \ \ microsoft.managementconsole.dll


  • You cannot navigate to the above location using Windows Explorer.
  • However, you can navigate to the above path on the command line


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