Why isn't Geroku using a good .yml manifest

I am using Rails 3.2.2 on Heroku with CDN (CloudFront) to host assets.

I'll try the Heroku tutorial (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/cdn-asset-host-rails31) with the asset_sync gem.

No asset issues: precompile, all my assets are hosted on my S3 bucket.

-> heroku run bundle exec rake assets: precompile                                                                                                                                                            
    Running bundle exec rake assets: precompile attached to terminal ... up, run.1
    AssetSync: using default configuration from built-in initializer
    AssetSync: Syncing.
    Using: Manifest /app/public/assets/manifest.yml
    Uploading: assets / facebook_64-8cdc90984860efef829203e1e01aab10.png
    Uploading: assets / google_64-11634a6b4a219799449e7a7157f73387.png
    Uploading: assets / twitter_64-657ee379209d0bb998440421b499a6a2.png
    Uploading: assets / application-699d029330a2d095a9b59006a63a7b01.js
    Uploading: assets / application-2060c0efc074ae11265455479abfb6ff.css
    Uploading: assets / back_office-ccfdd79c9b296176087815c95607f540.css
    AssetSync: Done.

The problem is Heroku is trying to access bad CSS files:

<link href="http://s3.amazonaws.com/annoncestest/assets/application-85cc4376a5de3b224db7c0548a44e7cb.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


As you can see, MD5 for a CSS application is different from it.

However, there is no problem with JS files or other entities that are not CSS files.

In my bucket, manifest.yml is referencing a good file application-2060c0efc074ae11265455479abfb6ff.css

but Heroku is always trying to accessapplication-85cc4376a5de3b224db7c0548a44e7cb.css

I tried to set the manifest path in my production.rb with:

config.assets.manifest = "http://myapp.cloudfront.net/assets"

or config.assets.manifest = "http://myapp.cloudfront.net/assets/manifest.yml"

The css files are bad every time.

I have no idea what the problem is. Any idea?


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2 answers

I am solving the problem thanks to heroku support.

First, my deployment didn't work well because I had a known issue during rake assets: precompile

could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "" and accepting
TCP / IP connections on port xxxx?

To prevent this, you need to set initialize_on_precompile

to false in config / application.rb (not in your config / environment / production.rb):

config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = false

After that, when you deploy the precompilation it seems to work, but the problem with asset_sync not finding your ENV variables (FOG_DIRECTORY and FOG_PROVIDER)

To fix this problem, you need to install heroku labs with these two commands:

heroku plugins:install https://github.com/heroku/heroku-labs.git
heroku labs:enable user_env_compile

And you deploy to the hero again and (theoretically) he should work fine! (it works for me!)

Hope this helps someone in the future!



I'm not sure if that would help or not, but I don't check the manifest.yml on any of my pipeline projects. This is because the Heroku builder will run the precompiled assets that generate a new manifest that you know is correct.

I would remove it from Git and see how it works (compiling assets locally before deploying is something you don't need to do when pushing to Heroku)



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