JQuery resizing on both sides

I'll try to clarify the words: I would like to know if there is a way with jquery-ui-resizable to resize an object from 4 sides at the same time, so that the center of the object remains in the same place.

Here is the sandbox http://jsfiddle.net/V79Ge/

So this is very similar to aspectRatio = true, but as long as I resize the object on one side it will control the other three sides

Thanks for your tips!


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5 answers

This effect you are after: jsFiddle example .


    aspectRatio: true,
    resize: function(event, ui) {
            'top': parseInt(ui.position.top, 10) + ((ui.originalSize.height - ui.size.height)) / 2,
            'left': parseInt(ui.position.left, 10) + ((ui.originalSize.width - ui.size.width)) / 2


Edit: Updated code and jsFiddle to use ui.position and ui.originalSize.



Play with your sandbox and get it.


    aspectRatio: true,
    resize: function(event, ui) {
        $(this).offset({ top: (ui.originalSize.height-ui.size.height)/2,left:(ui.originalSize.width-ui.size.width)/2});




Could pens be what you need?


Then you will need to add visual feedback to the sides of the window.



I have made some j08691 examples. It now also works with the northwest handle.


aspectRatio: true,
handles: 'all',
resize: function(event, ui) {
    var posTop = parseInt(ui.position.top, 10);
    var posLeft = parseInt(ui.position.left, 10);
    var oPosTop = parseInt(ui.originalPosition.top, 10);
    var pPosLeft = parseInt(ui.originalPosition.left, 10);
    if(posTop == oPosTop && posLeft == pPosLeft)
            'top': posTop + ((ui.originalSize.height - ui.size.height)) / 2,
            'left': posLeft + ((ui.originalSize.width - ui.size.width)) / 2
    else {
        var width = ui.size.width;
        var height = ui.size.height;
        var oWidth = ui.originalSize.width;
        var oHeight = ui.originalSize.height;
            'width': width + (width - oWidth),
            'height': height + (height - oHeight)


He still needs more development. Doesn't work with all pens.



      $(".nodecontainer").each(function () {
            $(this).parent().attr('style', $(this).attr('style'));
                showPalette: true,
                change: function (color) {
                    $(this).parent().css('background-color', color.toHexString());
                palette: [
                    ['black', 'white', 'blanchedalmond'],
                    ['rgb(255, 128, 0);', 'hsv 100 70 50', 'lightyellow']
        $('.nodecontainer').each(function () {
                alsoResize: $(this).parent(),
                resize: function (e, ui) {
                    $(this).css("top", 0);




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