Library / language for creating engineering drawings

Does anyone have experience with graphics languages ​​that are primarily for drawing? My question is about an alternative to AutoCAD and / or similar drawing software in terms of writing code to create a drawing. I could not find any of these types of languages, if any, primarily intended for programming blueprints.

For example: I want to be able to create cylinders, rectangle, circles, etc. given the size and want to be able to manipulate them with adding, subtracting, extruding, etc. Also some annotation features will be great.

Update. As far as I've done my research, I think building some kind of engineering drawing library on top of a blender (which is a good animation tool in itself) might be great. Does anyone know of anything that is happening or already exists in this area?


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2 answers

The LaTeX world has a long history of trying to express line art diagrams in document source code. The current favorite seems to be TikZ .

However, it lags somewhat behind providing a full CSG ( Constructive Solid Geometry ).

If you want 3D and CSG, POV-Ray lets you create objects and scenes by editing the good old sources of text files ( link , examples ). But on the other hand, POV-Ray will not create engineering style line drawings as far as I know.

Regarding your updated question: keep in mind that Blender already has a very nice Python API (and the ability to get a Python wrapper into an application) that allows you to get pretty much all of Blender's state and is probably the easiest way to implement procedural modeling extension plugins. applying effects and importing / exporting to other formats. It might work for "drawings" too. Whether or not this is useful also depends on how important you are to the Java aspect; I don't know the Java API, but I wrote C ++ applications that exported models as Python code to be executed by Blender.



I don't know anything that most people would recognize as a programming language that was primarily intended for CAD and similar applications. I would jeopardize that most of the well-known CAD packages (commercial and open-source) are written in Fortran, C, or C ++. Of course, they could use something else for GUIs and so on, but a complex compiler would be a classic, compiled for speed, programming language.

There are languages ​​(like LOGO) that provide built-in support for drawing operations, but I don't know that any of them have been successfully used in published CAD systems.

It is no coincidence that many introductory OOP texts draw their examples from the realm of drawings and shapes - you know that Shape is a supertype of circle and rectangle and polygon; they all implement the Draw method, etc. The growth of OO is closely related to the growth of graphics programs.

Finally, you might be interested in Processing .



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