Correct cucumber definition file

I have the next step:

Then I should see an error message


with identical definition:

Then /^I should see an error message$/ do
    page.should have_selector('#flash_alert', text: 'Invalid')


in two different functions: admin_sign_in.feature and user_login.feature .

Where should I place the definition correctly?


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1 answer

Create a new file.

Call it something like flash_message_steps.rb

or error_steps.rb

or whatever you like. I would suggest something general, but it doesn't make sense to call it admin_steps.rb

or user_steps.rb

. All files in the folder are step_definitions

automatically downloaded. Just remember to define it once only if duplicate definitions for the same step will cause an ambiguity error.

I would also recommend making your step more general, something like:

Then /^I should see an error message containing "([^\"]*)"$/ do |message|
    page.should have_selector('#flash_alert', text: message)


Then you can use the same definition to check for multiple errors:

Then I should see an error message containing "Invalid"

Then I should see an error message containing "You must sign in first"




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