Dbpedia SPARQL query to get a specific value for a given city

I'm sure I want to make it very simple, but I can't get the right query. I have records in a dataset that have values ​​like city name for example. "New York" and the corresponding country code, such as "USA". I also have access to all ISO country and country codes.

I would like to get the population and abstract value for these cities from dbpedia using a where clause like:

Get population where name = "New York" and isoCountryCode = "US"


I have looked for help on this to no avail.

so far @rohk has helped me with this request which does not fully work for all locations:

SELECT DISTINCT ?city ?abstract ?pop
   ?city rdf:type schema:City ;
     rdfs:label ?label ;
     dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract ;
     dbpedia-owl:country ?country ;
     dbpedia-owl:populationTotal ?pop .
   ?country dbpprop:countryCode "USA"@en .
   FILTER ( lang(?abstract) = 'en' and regex(?label, "New York City"))


The above works for New York, however, when I change it to:

SELECT DISTINCT ?city ?abstract ?pop
   ?city rdf:type schema:City ;
         rdfs:label ?label ;
         dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract ;
         dbpedia-owl:country ?country ;
         dbpedia-owl:populationTotal ?pop .
   ?country dbpprop:countryCode "THA"@en .
   FILTER ( lang(?abstract) = 'en' and regex(?label, "Bangkok"))


It does not return results for Bangkok, Thailand.

I just can't seem to find the correct SPARQL query, I'm sure I'm stupid with my query. If any guru could help me, I would appreciate it. Thank!


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2 answers

This request works

   ?city rdf:type schema:City ;
         rdfs:label ?label ;
         dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract ;
         dbpedia-owl:country ?country ;
         dbpprop:website ?website ;
         dbpedia-owl:populationTotal ?pop .
   ?country dbpprop:countryCode "USA"@en .
   FILTER ( lang(?abstract) = 'en' and regex(?label, "New York City"))


EDIT: There are two problems for Bangkok:

  • Country Code for Thailand: You can use instead rdfs:label "Thailand"@en

  • rdf:type

    Bangkok not schema:City


Here is a working request for Bangkok

   ?city rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Settlement ;
         rdfs:label "Bangkok"@en ;
         dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract ;
         dbpedia-owl:populationTotal ?pop ;
         dbpedia-owl:country ?country ;
         dbpprop:website ?website .
   ?country rdfs:label "Thailand"@en .
   FILTER ( lang(?abstract) = 'en' )




I think you want something like this:

  ?x rdfs:label "New York City"@en.
  ?x dbpedia-owl:populationTotal ?pop.
  ?x dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract.


To get only abstracts in English, add FILTER


  ?x rdfs:label "New York City"@en.
  ?x dbpedia-owl:populationTotal ?pop.
  ?x dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract.
  FILTER (LANG(?abstract) = 'en')


"New York" is a state, and there is no figure in it populationTotal

. "New York" is a city.



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