Passing JS array to controller action

I have the following code:

 <form action="" onsubmit="getSelectedPlace(this);" target="_blank">
        <div class="wrap_input">
            <input type="submit" id="myDiv" class="btn buy_btn" value="Done">

 function getSelectedPlace(form) {
        var placesID = new Array();
        $("").each(function () {

        form.action = "/Pay/Buy?places=" + placesID;
        return true;


In getSelectedPlace

I get ID

and insert it into an array and fill it action

. My action:

 public ActionResult Buy(string[] places)
                return new EmptyResult();


The firebug placesID

fills up. But in my action places

there is null

. If I change string[]

to simple string

then the result is the same. Where is the problem?



source to share

3 answers

My solution:
Add HttpPost

to action and add method="POST"

to form.



Pay attention to the traditional serialization of parameters. More details here:

<script type="text/javascript">

    var strArray = new Array();

    strArray[0] = "P1";
    strArray[1] = "P2";

    var params = { data: strArray };

        type: "GET",
        url: "/Home/Test",
        data: params,
        dataType: "json",
        traditional: true



public ActionResult Test(string[] data)
    @ViewBag.Test = data[0]; // Data will be set to P1
    return null;




I suggest you use only string

. separate it with a comma or whatever else you want.

function getSelectedPlace(form) {
    var placesID = "";
    $("").each(function () {
        placesID = $(this).attr("id") +  "," + placesID;

    form.action = "/Pay/Buy?places=" + placesID;
    return true;


In action

public ActionResult Buy(string places)
            string[] placesArray = places.Split(",");
            return new EmptyResult();


Also use is onsubmit="getSelectedPlace(this);"

unsafe. useonsubmit="return getSelectedPlace(this);"



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