Open dynamically generated PDF in Tab or iframe

Please, help. I am obviously not an expert, but using suggestions from this site I think I am really close to doing the following

Be able to open a dynamically generated PDF file in a) new tab b) iframe

Hopefully I just need a couple of lines of correct syntax and I'll be there.

I am dynamically generating PDF in controller using itextSharp


public FileStreamResult GetPdf()
    return new FileStreamResult(Response.OutputStream, "application/pdf"){FileDownloadName = "download.pdf"};



<input id="btnNewTab" type="button" value="New Tab" />
<input id="btnIframe" type="button" value="Iframe" />

<div id="pdfDiv"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function () {

    $("#btnIframe").click(function () {
      $.get('/PDFTest/GetPdf', function (pdf) {
        alert(pdf.length);  // Works as expected
        // What do I need to put here to get the pdf to appear in a iframe

    $("#btnNewTab").click(function () {
      // asks me if I want to Open or Save the PDF.
      // If I choose Open, the PDF opens in a completely new Window.
      // Instead of the dialog, I just want the PDF to open in a new Tab
      // I am probably going about this in completely the wrong way.
      var HTML = "<iframe src='/PDFTest/GetPdf' style='width: 100%; height: 600px' ></iframe>";



In response to your suggestion from Darin, I changed the controller to:

public FileStreamResult GetPdf(someInfo from View)
      Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
      Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;test.pdf"); 
      Response.Buffer = true;
      Response.OutputStream.Write(ms.GetBuffer(), 0, ms.GetBuffer().Length);

      return new FileStreamResult(Response.OutputStream, "application/pdf");


Having done this, your suggestions worked great, but I understand that I have not explained my intentions enough. So I changed the VIEW to reflect what I am trying to do.

input id="btnNewTab" type="button" value="New Tab" />
<input id="btnIframe" type="button" value="Iframe" />
<iframe id="iframe"></iframe>
<div id="pdfDiv">
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function () {

    $("#btnIframe").click(function () {

        url: '/PDFTest/GetPdf',
        type: "GET",
        data: json,  // This line will not be a problem
        dataType: "json",
        contentType: "application/pdf", // This line might be a problem
        success: function (pdf) {
          // What to I need to need to do to display the PDF in the above iframe
          $("#iframe").attr("src", pdf); // HTTP Error 400 - Bad Request.

    $("#btnNewTab").click(function () {
        url: '/PDFTest/GetPdf',
        type: "GET",
        data: json,  // This line will not be a problem
        dataType: "json",
        contentType: "application/pdf", // This line might be a problem
        success: function (pdf) {
          // What to I need to need to do to disply the PDF in a new window




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public ActionResult GetPdf()
    byte[] pdf = ...
    Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;test.pdf");
    return File(pdf, "application/pdf");


Open in a new tab / window:

@Html.ActionLink("view pdf", "getpdf", "somecontroller", null, new { target = "_blank" })


To open in an iframe your code looks fine. Just make sure the Content-Disposition header is included in the string.



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