Creating foreign key in Django model

I have the following model of my student. I want to keep track of the date of every moment given to each student. The idea would be so that I could see not only how many points each student has, but also the date each point is given. In the future, I want to see the trend of students. How should I do it? Should I be using foreign key in another class. I'm new to this, so thanks for reading.

class Student(models.Model): 
    (u'Spanish', 'Spanish'), 
    (u'French', 'French'), 
    (u'Dance', 'Dance'), 
  name = models.CharField(max_length=30) 
  points = models.IntegerField(max_length=4) 
  classname = models.CharField("Class Name",max_length=20, choices=CLASS_CHOICES) 



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3 answers

I think you can separate both classes (I call it "Course" so as not to contradict the idea of ​​a Python class) and tracking scores (ie scores).

class Student(models.Model): 
    name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    courses = models.ManyToManyField('Course')

class Course(models.Model):
    # Yoga, Spanish, French, etc.
    name = models.CharField(max_length=30)

class Score(models.Model):
    date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    points = models.IntegerField(max_length=4)
    course = models.ForeignKey('Course')
    student = models.ForeignKey('Student')


The student can then take many courses and receive a series of points (i.e. test scores?) For each course.



You might have something like this:

class Student(models.Model): 
        (u'Spanish', 'Spanish'), 
        (u'French', 'French'), 
        (u'Dance', 'Dance'), 
    name = models.CharField(max_length=30) 
    classname = models.CharField("Class Name",max_length=20, choices = CLASS_CHOICES)

    def points(self):
        return self.point_set.count()

class Point(models.Model):
    creation_datetime = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    student = models.ForeignKey('Student')


Very easy to use:

In [3]: james = Student(classname='Yoga', name='James')

In [4]:
DEBUG (0.002) INSERT INTO "testapp_student" ("name", "classname") VALUES (James, Yoga); args=['James', 'Yoga']

In [5]: james.points
DEBUG (0.000) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "testapp_point" WHERE "testapp_point"."student_id" = 1 ; args=(1,)
Out[5]: 0

In [6]: james.point_set.create()
DEBUG (0.001) INSERT INTO "testapp_point" ("creation_datetime", "student_id") VALUES (2012-03-28 09:38:35.593110, 1); args=[u'2012-03-28 09:38:35.593110', 1]
Out[6]: <Point: Point object>

In [7]: james.points
DEBUG (0.001) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "testapp_point" WHERE "testapp_point"."student_id" = 1 ; args=(1,)
Out[7]: 1

In [8]: james.point_set.create()
DEBUG (0.001) INSERT INTO "testapp_point" ("creation_datetime", "student_id") VALUES (2012-03-28 09:38:41.516848, 1); args=[u'2012-03-28 09:38:41.516848', 1]
Out[8]: <Point: Point object>

In [9]: james.points
DEBUG (0.000) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "testapp_point" WHERE "testapp_point"."student_id" = 1 ; args=(1,)
Out[9]: 2


I was not sure if you wanted to track the grade points. In this case, just add classname to the Point model.

Also note that Point.creation_datetime will be automatically set to the date and time the model was saved. I just posted a basic template that you can customize to suit your needs.



I would make a new Document named Points that has a datetime field and modify Student to have a reference to document points instead of points as an IntegerField.

If you've used mongoengine, I would recommend creating EmbeddedDocument points and embedding them in Student.



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