Looking for tips on MONO-TOUCH encoding

I would like to know to use MONO TOUCH to develop an iOS app if I know better:

  • Objective-C / Cocoa Click
  • C # .NET

I'm asking this because my boss wants to send me to C # .NET education instead of Objective-C / Cocoa Touch and I'm not sure if this is the best solution

Thanks for the help!


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5 answers

I think you need to define what is your higher level goal for such a solution. For me personally, the only way was MonoTouch as I am a .NET developer working in a .NET store, so my company would buy for this but would not want to risk doing it in Obj-C.

I know very little about Obj-C, but I can say that everything offered in the BCL (Base Class Library) makes coding easier in MonoTouch. With support for LINQ, shared lists, IO files, and more, Transition .net looks like a pro (in my opinion).

In the end, you will override the same methods and call the same methods to do what you need to do on iOS. However, MonoTouch wraps some features to make things easier.

Please note that my point of view is very subjective as I am a .NET developer.



If he is already sure that you will be using MonoTouch, then you need to know C #. You will need knowledge of objective-c / iOS-development because you sometimes need to know how functions are called etc.

UPDATE: To answer your question in the comments, this is not easy to solve. I really like MonoTouch and it is a very good way to develop iOS Apps. Maybe you can get some information that you would like to know from my previous question . I would not use objective-c for iOS-Apps development as you can use everything objective-c has in MonoTouch too.

WARNING (subjective opinion follows): C # is a better language than objective-c in my opinion and is much more modern. So why stick with this ancient technique?

UPDATE2: Just looked at your update on Android. For multi-platform development, there are only 2-3 atm options:

  • MonoTouch / MonoDroid
  • Webdevelopment (HTML5, etc.)
  • Adobe flex

Each 3 of them has different pros and cons. But if it has to feel and look native, you will eventually stick with Mono * as it is the only one (of the above) that actually uses native libraries.



I would recommend looking into both ... here's why:

  • To use MonoTouch you need to know C # and some base class libraries. It is obvious.
  • To develop for iOS, you need to know Apple's thinking interface. This is very different from the Windows way. You don't need to know much of ObjectiveC to use MonoTouch (but being able to read it is a definite plus, since you can obviously find many more examples in ObjectiveC than in C #).

So, if you have to choose, it really depends on what you already know. If you know any C # I would go for the CocoaTouch course. If you know a little IOS / CocoaTouch UI programming, I would go for a C # course. If you don't know either one ... I would go for a C # course since you will also need an Android version for your application.



MonoTouch is a C # (cross-) compiler.

So you need to learn C #, but not (all) .NET



MonoTouch is in C # and has the added benefit of also having an Android version, so porting your app to Android should be pretty straightforward.



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