Why can't I print anything using __toString () in PHP?

I created a class with a constructor and a toString method, but it doesn't work.

class Course
    protected $course
    public function __construct()
        $this->$course = "hello";

    public function __toString()
        $string = (string) $this->$course;
        return $string;


I am getting the error:

Fatal error: Cannot access empty property 


if i just do:

$string = (string) $course;


Nothing prints.

I am new to magic methods in PHP, although I am familiar with Java's toString method.


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2 answers

there is a little typo in your constructor, it should be:

protected $course;
public function __construct()
    $this->course = "hello"; // I added $this->


if you now call your function __toString()

, it will print "hello".

You must change the function __toString()

as follows:

public function __toString()
    return $this->course;


Your generic code will become: (go copy paste :))

class Course
    protected $course;
    public function __construct()
        $this->course = "hello";

    public function __toString()
        return $this->course;




You understood the magic method, but you have an error: $ course is not defined.

Your error is on this line:

    $string = (string) $this-> $course;


It should be

    $string = (string) $this->course;


You may know that in PHP you can do something like this:

$string = $this->$course; //that equals to $this->arandomproperty


Here $ course is undefined, so it defaults to '' (and throws a NOTICE error, which you should display or log at least during development)

You also have an eror in the constructor, you should do$this->course='hello';

change 2

Here is the working code. Is there something you don't understand here?

class Course
    protected $course;
    public function __construct()
        $this->course = "hello";

    public function __toString()
        $string = (string) $this->course;
        return $string;
$course = new Course();
echo $course;




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