Java: increasing with Float.floatToIntBits?

I need to increase the float value atomically. I get its int value by calling Float.floatToIntBits on it. If I just do i ++ and cast it back to float it doesn't give me the expected value. So how would I go about it?

(I'm trying to create an AtomicFloat via AtomicInteger hence this question).

EDIT: Here's what I did:

Float f = 1.25f;
int i = Float.floatToIntBits(f);
f = Float.intBitsToFloat(i);


I wanted 2.25 but got 1.2500001 instead.


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2 answers

The reason is that the bits you get from floatToIntBits


  • sign
  • index
  • mantissa

is set out as follows:

Repr:  Sign   Exponent          Mantissa
Bit:    31   30......23  22.....................0


Increasing the integer storing these fields from 1 will not increment the float value it represents by 1.

I am trying to create AtomicFloat via AtomicInteger, so this question

I did exactly that in the answer to this question:

To add functionality to increase the float by one, you can copy the code incrementAndGet


(and change from int

to float


public final float incrementAndGet() {
    for (;;) {
        float current = get();
        float next = current + 1;
        if (compareAndSet(current, next))
            return next;


(Note that if you want to increase the float by the smallest possible value , you take the above code and change current + 1

to current +





The atom part can be implemented on top compareAndSet

for a wrapper class as shown in the aioobe link. Increment operators AtomicInteger

are implemented like this.

The increment part is a completely different problem. Depending on what you mean by "increment a float", this requires either adding it to the number or increasing it by ULP . For the latter in Java 6, the Math.nextUp method is what you are looking for. The Math.nextAfter method is useful for decreasing one ULP .



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