Failed to collect data from SQLite .db file in Android

I am creating an Android application. I used SQLite Database Browser 2.0 to create my database file and saved it in assets folder .

Here is my project

I have already created a database using code. I also visited this link .

How do I get a list of errors?

List of errors:

03-29 14:56:05.308: E/Database(332): sqlite3_open_v2("/data/data/com.crews.sampledatabaseproto.activity/databases/food_joint_db.db", &handle, 1, NULL) failed
03-29 14:56:05.427: W/dalvikvm(332): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40015560)
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332): java.lang.Error: Error copying database
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at com.crews.sampledatabaseproto.activity.DataBaseHelper.createDataBase(
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at com.crews.sampledatabaseproto.activity.SampleDatabaseProtoActivity.onCreate(
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at$1500(
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at$H.handleMessage(
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at$
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at
03-29 14:56:05.437: E/AndroidRuntime(332):  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)



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1 answer

I have the same problem. There is no table named "android_metadata" in your database file in the assets folder. Therefore, you must first create it:

  • Open your SQLite Database Browser -> open the database file from the project resources folder -> Click Run SQL -> copy and paste the query "CREATE TABLE android_metadata (locale TEXT)" and click Run Query -> click save button.

  • Now delete the old database files from DDMS, / data / data / com.crews.sampledatabaseproto.activity / databases / or just uninstall the app from device / emulator.

  • Place your newly created db file in your assets folder.

  • Run the project.



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