Reading a file from external storage Android SDK Emulator

I am a new bie in android, I am developing an android application and I have used some ready-made libraries, now there is a view option and when I view it it gives the location / mnt / sdcard this is a basic file reader application if I use this application in mobile, then I can view the memory card, but there is even a 500MB card configured in the emulator, I don't know where to put the files, so I can access my emulator app, I expect there will be a path like C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Android \ android-sdk \ SOMEFolder where I can put my files using my computer and access my emulator. Attached is an image of my emulator enter image description here


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3 answers

I don't know where to put the files so that I can access the application in my emulator ...

You can use adb push command as

adb push <filename> <target>


(see for more information) or just use "Explorer" in DDMS perspective then select a folder in your SD card folder and select "push file to device "to put your files in this folder in the emulator:
enter image description here

And you can use



to access the absolute path of the sd card.



if you want to save some files on the emulator sd card then ddms-> file explorer-> sdcard then paste the file into the device as shown in the picture

enter image description here

when you click on the icon notified by the circle, a browse dialog will pop up, then preview the file and as you select save, the file will be saved to the emulator's SD card



Just check out the tutorial below and you will get detailed information on using the SD card in the emulator.

Android Tutorial: Create and Use an SD Card in Emulator



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