Regex replace in Python: convert named group to integer

When replacing a pattern in a string,
I especially need an integer / long value to match a named group.

Example case and what I've tried:

status = {1:'foo', 23:'bar'}
    status.get(int(r'\g<id>')), # ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '\\g<id>'
    # status.get(int(r'\g<id>'.decode())), # ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '\\g<id>'
    # status.get('%d' % r'\g<id>'), # %d format: a number is required, not str
    'Tom ran: from <status>1 to <status>23')


Normal casting works well with original string int(r'22')

, but doesn't it work above?


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1 answer

This should work for you:

    lambda m: status.get(int('id'))),
    'Tom ran: from <status>1 to <status>23')


If repl is a function, it is called for each non-overlapping occurrence of the pattern. The function takes one argument of the matching object and returns the replacement string. @



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