Hide item if not item in list iteration

So I have 2 lists of strings in 2 fields, altText and imagecaption. I wrapped them in a div. I want the divs not to be displayed if none of them were contained in some kind of loop, on each iteration of the loop. How can i do this?

            30 = COA

                wrap = <div class="case-info">|</div>
                required = 1

                30 = TEXT
                    wrap = <div>|</div>
                    field = altText
                    listNum.splitChar = 10
                    listNum.stdWrap.data = register:SPLIT_COUNT
                    required = 1


                40 < .30
                40.field = imagecaption



The result of the html:

<div class="case-info">



source to share

1 answer

Remove the wrapper and try it like this:

        30 = COA
            stdWrap.required = 1
            stdWrap.wrap = <div class="case-info">|</div>
            30 = TEXT
                field = altText
                listNum.splitChar = 10
                listNum.stdWrap.data = register:SPLIT_COUNT
                trim = 1
                required = 1
                wrap = <div>|</div>

            40 < .30
            40.field = imagecaption



This way the wrapper will only execute if there is content (required = 1)



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