Deserializing response

I am using RestRequest to do a POST to a web service. The response is in JSON format, but I receive it in response. Content is ASCII and Data is null. code:

        var request = new RestRequest(api, Method.POST);
        request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;

        RestClient client = new RestClient("http://IP:PORT/proto");           
        client.ExecuteAsync<jLoginResponse>(request, (response) =>
            var resource = response.Data;


and here response.Data is empty and Content is {"UID": "1234"}

jLoginResponse is declared as

public class jLoginResponse
    public string uid { get; set; }


but it will not be automatically deserialized as it should.


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1 answer

The class should have elements labeled DataMember

for example:

public class jLoginResponse
    public string uid { get; set; }




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