String.find () always evaluates to true

I have a small script that reads a file. After reading the line, I'm trying to figure out that the particular line has special text in it. For this I like this

for line in file:
    line = line.lower()

    if line.find('my string'):
        print ('found my string in the file')


reading a file that line.find always evaluates to true. When i like

for line in file:
    line = line.lower()

    if 'one big line'.find('my string'):
        print ('found my string in the file')


It evaluates to false as expected. Since I'm really new to python programming just for what I've shown, I just can't think of what I can find ...


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2 answers

Better idiomatic python to write it like:

for line in file:
    line = line.lower()

    if 'my string' in line:
        print ('found my string in the file')


instead of using .find()

it if you don't want the position within the string.




returns the number containing the occurring string within the search string. If it doesn't find it, it returns -1

. And every number that is not 0

in python evaluates to True

. This is why your code is always evaluating True


You need something like:

if 'one big line'.find('my string') >= 0:
    print ('found my string in the file')


Or, better:

idx = 'one big line'.find('my string')
if idx >= 0:
    print ("found 'my string' in position %d" % (idx))




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