Is there a preferred framework for custom GUI applications other than normal GUI?

I've played with wxPython, but it seems to be geared towards "standard" applications - things that have their own menu and toolbar file systems, and more.

My needs are pretty simple. I just need to be able to play some mp3 files, show some images, and be able to pack them into .exe and .dmg. Also, being able to play a small mp4 would be great.

Unfortunately, I understand that there is no definitive answer to this question and therefore does not fit the format, but it will be useful to appreciate the push in the right direction!


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2 answers

Pyqt / pyside / Qt has a new declarative QML that seems to have an application focused on a kiosk type interface. You can basically create something in Photoshop and use it as your user interface



Pygame is the common choice for fully customizable user interfaces.




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