JQuery onhide event handler

In jQuery, I hide my elements using .hide();


Is there an evert handler that gets triggered when I hide something? You see, I have a bunch of elements in my code and I hide or show them (using jQuery) a bunch of times. To keep things in check, in an efficient way, I would like to use an event handler for.hide()

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Many thanks!


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3 answers

You can use the callback function

$('#element').hide('slow', hideCallback);

$('#element').show('slow', showCallback);

function hideCallback()
    // You can do your stuff here

function showCallback()
    // You can do your stuff here




$('p').on('ohWowIGotHidden', function(){
    document.write('O look, it works');



You can create a custom event and call it when you call the hide method.



You can override hide in jquery to dispatch the event after the original function is called.



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