How to encode strings in ColdFusion excluding dot
I'm looking for a way to encode strings with ColdFusion, but excluding the "." This is what I have tried so far:
<!--- Test area --->
<cfset str="ChrisTilghmanFirstFlash.Eflv">
<cfset str1="Chris Tilghman First Flash.Eflv">
<cfset str2="Chris-Tilghman First_Flash.Eflv">
<cfset enc1 = urlEncodedFormat(str,"utf-8" )>
<cfset enc2 = urlEncodedFormat(str1,"utf-8")>
<cfset enc3 = urlEncodedFormat(str2,"utf-8")>
<!--- END test area --->
Another urlEncode utf-8 encodes the characters "dot", "-" and "_". How can I prevent this scenario?
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4 answers
One answer can be found in this thread which
Use the [s] ColdFusion ReplaceList () function to "fix" the errors made, using URLEncodedFormat () to generate an RFC 3986 encoded URL string.
<cfset string = replacelist(urlencodedformat(string), "%2D,%2E,%5F,%7E", "-,.,_,~")>
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This will solve it for you: -
<cfset str="ChrisTilghmanFirstFlash.Eflv">
<cfset str1="Chris Tilghman First Flash.Eflv">
<cfset str2="Chris-Tilghman First_Flash.Eflv">
<cfset enc1 = urlEncodedFormat(str,"utf-8" )>
<cfset enc2 = urlEncodedFormat(str1,"utf-8")>
<cfset enc3 = urlEncodedFormat(str2,"utf-8")>
<cfoutput>#replace(enc1, "%2E", ".", "ALL")#</cfoutput><br>
<cfoutput>#replace(enc2, "%2E", ".", "ALL")#</cfoutput><br>
<cfoutput>#replace(enc3, "%2E", ".", "ALL")#</cfoutput><br>
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(Too long for comments ...)
I came across this thread while trying to implement RFC 3986 encoding . If you use the new encodeForURL function (instead of urlEncodedFormat ) it brings you closer, but requires a few tweaks.
According to RFC 3986:
- Unreserved characters that should not be escaped:
ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" /
- Spaces should be encoded like
- Reserved characters that must be escaped include:
: / ? ## [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; =
To make the results of EncodeForUR compatible:
- Force asterisk encoding "*" (reserved character)
- Reverse encoding of the tilde "~" (must not be encoded).
- Change space encoding from "+" to "% 20":
encodedText = encodeForURL("space period.asterisk*");
encodedText = replaceList( encodedText , "%7E,+,*", "~,%20,%2A");
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