Incompatible pointer type passing int to parameter of type void (*) (void) in coretelephony obj c

The function defined in coreTelephony.h is

void _CTServerConnectionRegisterForNotification(CTServerConnectionRef,void *,void(*callback)(void));


Then I tried to call this function

int x = 0; //placehoder for callback


it returns an error

incompatible pointer type passing int to parameter of type void (*) (void) in coretelephony obj c

What am I missing?


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2 answers

Here, the third argument _CTServerConnectionRegisterForNotification()

is for a pointer to a function having

  • void

    return type
  • Do not accept any parameters.

In this case, you cannot transfer the address int

. This is wrong and will cause undefined behavior .



The third argument _CTServerConnectionRegisterForNotification

is a function pointer and you are passing a pointer to int

. Even if you manage to do it with broadcasts, later on when the connection is supposed to notify you it will try to use the value you passed as a function and since it is not a function you will most likely see a failure.

Use the not int function:

void callback()


and then in your current code:





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