C ++ multiple inheritance of name collision function

Context: I was discussing how C # and Java work at work when the next question came up and I wondered how (or if) it could be elegantly resolved in C ++.

Let's say you have two classes A

and B

(the details of which are not important), and then two template classes G

and H

are described something like:

template <typename T>            | template <typename T> 
class G                          | class H
{                                | {
   public :                      |    public :
      T * foo() ;                |       virtual T * foo() = 0 ;
      // etc.                    |       // etc.
} ;                              | } ;


Then we have a class C

and D

, described as:

class A { /* ... */ } ;
class B { /* ... */ } ;

class C : public G<A>, public G<B>
} ;

class D : public H<A>, public H<B>
   // ???
} ;


I want to be able to call a C

method foo

from G<A>

and foo from G<B>

. And I want to be able to override for a D

method foo

from H<A>

and H<B>


Eventually, I want to be able to use C and D like in the following examples:

C c ;
A * a = c.??? ; (I want to call G<A>::foo())
B * b = c.??? ; (I want to call G<B>::foo())

D d ;
A * a = c.??? ; (I want to call H<A>::foo())
B * b = c.??? ; (I want to call H<B>::foo())


There are always ways to do this (and I have some ideas), but I'm interested in a list of elegant and safe ways to do this, including pros and cons.

So how would you go about it?


source to share

2 answers

Two ways I can think of:

C x;

x.G<A>::foo(); // 1
static_cast<G<A>&>(x).foo(); // 2


That is: either explicitly assign a name to the function, or degenerate into a type hierarchy.



How about overloading and using different arguments:

template <typename T>
class G
    T * foo(T &a) {/* ... */};
    // etc.

class A
    /* ... */

class B
    /* ... */

class C : public G<A>, public G<B>
    using G<A>::foo;
    using G<B>::foo;


int main()
    C c;

    A a;
    B b;


    return 0;




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