C ++: MPI communicator as a global variable

I need an MPI world communicator to access the functions / functions of a class. But by design / convention of the environment, MPI and communicators are always defined and initialized at the beginning int main()


The only simple solution I can think of is using a global pointer to the communicator.

Does anyone know a better way? Is it dangerous to use a global pointer solution?

This problem applies equally well to barebone MPI and Boost :: MPI (which I use below)

An example of my suggested solution (untested):

extern   boost::mpi::communicator  * my_MPI_world_ptr;



int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    boost::mpi::environment my_boost_mpi_env(argc, argv);
    boost::mpi::communicator my_MPI_world; 
    my_MPI_world_ptr = &my_MPI_world;       

    my_MPI_rank = my_MPI_world_ptr->rank();
    size_MPI_WORLD = my_MPI_world_ptr->size();    

    my_class an_Object;



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3 answers

Do you mean the actual MPI communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD

(or its Boost wrapper)? This is already global. If you are using a different communicator to share communication from the library you are writing, it would be best not to use a global variable at all. In this case, you can just pass it (or a pointer to it) and store it in the classes it needs.



I don't like globals in general: who is responsible for deleting them? How do you ensure that the pointer is not available before the object is created or after the object is destroyed?

I would be tempted to wrap a pointer and its access in a class. (Warning: the following was not seen by the compiler, so all sorts of problems can occur and I am not familiar with MPI)

class CMPIwrapper
    CMPIwrapper(boost::mpi::communicator& myMPIworld):myMPIworld_(myMPIworld){}
    rank_type GetRank()const
        return( my_MPI_world_ptr->rank() );
    boost::mpi::communicator& myMPIworld_;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    boost::mpi::environment my_boost_mpi_env(argc, argv);
    boost::mpi::communicator my_MPI_world; 
    CMPIwrapper my_MPI_wrapper(my_MPI_world);       

    my_MPI_rank = CMPIwrapper.GetRank();


Your own objects you used to use the pointer might work the same: their constructor might be passed a reference to your boost :: mpi :: communator, or if the set of operations on your boost :: mpi :: communator is well defined, they might be passed a reference on the wrapper.



  • To increase the mpi, the default configured (i.e. empty initializer) communicator matches MPI_COMM_WORLD

    , so you can just define another

    mpi::communicator world;

    inside your function, use it as if it were listed outside.


    called at build mpi::environment

    . So while this is at the beginning of your main program, you can define the global mpi::communicator

    elsewhere. There is no need to use a pointer. (In fact, you can even post MPI_INIT

    elsewhere, see below).

  • For MPI with blue bones, I tested that calling MPI_INIT

    elsewhere than the main one is also allowed. For example, you can define the following wrapper for the global worker in the header file,

        class MpiWorker_t
          int  NumberOfWorkers, WorkerId, NameLen;
          char HostName[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
                MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);
                MPI_Get_processor_name(HostName, &NameLen);
       extern MpiWorker_t GlobalWorker;

    and in your source file define a global instance anywhere outside main()


      MpiWorker_t GlobalWorker;

    The construction and destruction of a global variable must be able to take care of initialization and completion MPI

    before and after any function call MPI




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