Adding to buffer in C ++

I am trying to efficiently convert the contents of a map to a string for sending over a socket. I still have it ...

char buffer[1024];
for (iter = my_mapy.begin(); iter != my_map.end();iter++)
    sprintf(buffer, "%s|%ld|%d", buffer, iter->first, iter->second);


While this works, I was wondering if it was ineffective. Google is looking for the most efficient way to convert int / long / doubles to string, resulted in sprintf so I am using it. But I'm worried that the contents of the buffer are being copied over and over, and I just want to add it to the end. Is this correct, and if so, is there a better way to do it? Performance and speed are # 1 priority.



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4 answers

You're right; the solution you suggest will copy the buffer every time. To do better, you will need to use the return value of sprintf.

char buffer[1024];
char* end_of_buffer = buffer;
std::size_t remaining_space = sizeof(buffer);

for (auto iter = my_map.begin(); iter != my_map.end(); iter++)
    int written_bytes = snprintf(end_of_buffer, remaining_space, "|%ld|%d", iter->first, iter->second);

    if (written_bytes > 0) {
        end_of_buffer += written_bytes;
        remaining_space -= written_bytes;
    } else {
        perror("Something is wrong with the buffer");


Note, by the way, that I used snprintf

which keeps track of the remaining length of the buffer. You should always use this instead of the unsafe version. Your application will evolve and with a lot of creativity you will find a way to overflow this buffer. Security, meanwhile, comes at zero additional cost.

(I mean no offense, of course.)



You have to use std::ostringstream

s, they are efficient and more C ++ - ish:

#include <sstream>

std::ostringstream oss;
for (iter = my_mapy.begin(); iter != my_map.end();iter++)
    oss << iter->first << "|" << iter->second;
    //oss.str() returns the string in which everything was stored.


After that you can use operator<<

to add material at the end ostringstream




You passed the buffer to sprintf, both input and output. This behavior is undefined.



You should use stringstream instead, but if you want to be more efficient, I suppose you can use a straight char * for your buffer, you just need to make sure you grow it if you don't know it won't go over 1024 bytes.



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