Adding a description when adding your own place using the Google Places API on Android

I want to add my own place using google places API in android with some description. Now I want to add neighborhood, url, website, international_phone_number, etc. Into the string format below, but I can't seem to get it to help me:

String placeJSON =
                  "\"location\": {" +
                            "\"lat\": " + lat + "," +
                            "\"lng\": " + lng +
                           "}," + 
                           "\"accuracy\":50.0," +
                           "\"name\": \"" + name + "\"," +
                           "\"types\": [\"" + type + "\"]," +
                           "\"vicinity\":\""+ DescriptionDialog.vic +"\","+
                           "\"formatted_address\":\""+ DescriptionDialog.formtd_address +"\","+
                           "\"formatted_phone_number\":\""+ DescriptionDialog.formtd_phone_number +"\","+
                           "\"url\":\""+ DescriptionDialog.myUrl +"\","+
                           "\"website\":\""+ DescriptionDialog.myWebsite +"\","+  
                           "\"language\": \"en\" " +"}";



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1 answer

Why are you using string to process JSON. Although you can just use JSONObject and that should solve your problem.

JSONObject placeJson =  new JSONObject();
JSONObject location = new JSONObecjt();
location.put("lat", lat);
location.put("lon", lon);
placeJson.put("location", location);
placeJson.put("accuracy", 50.0);
placeJson.put("types", types);
placeJson.put("vicinity", DescriptionDialog.vic);
placeJson.put("formatted_address", DescriptionDialog.formtd_address);
placeJson.put("formatted_phone_number", DescriptionDialog.formtd_phone_number);
placeJson.put("url", DescriptionDialog.myUrl);
placeJson.put("website" DescriptionDialog.myWebsite);
placeJson.put("language", "en");    




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