Why doesn't it throw NullPointerException in this case

I am coding my application, I ran into a requirement where I needed to convert a String array to a char array I

String str_a = "Testing";

char c[] = str_a.toCharArray(); 

for (char d : c) {


Since I have not initialized char c[]

My question is why it doesn't throw NullPointerException

, generally it should be done this way

char[] char_array = new char[str_a.length()];

char_array = str_a.toCharArray();       

for (char d : c) {



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6 answers

Source Code toCharArray()


 * Converts this string to a new character array.
 * @return  a newly allocated character array whose length is the length
 *          of this string and whose contents are initialized to contain
 *          the character sequence represented by this string.
public char[] toCharArray() {
    char result[] = new char[count]; // <-- Here is the initialization :)
    getChars(0, count, result, 0);
    return result;




Because it str_a.toCharArray();

already initializes and allocates the correct array of characters. What this method returns has already done the allocation and initialization for you.



There is no need to initialize char_array

when you immediately assign the result str_a.toCharArray()

to char_array


In your second example, you are creating an empty array that is discarded immediately because you then compute str_a.toCharArray()

. The method toCharArray

calculates the value of the array and returns it, so you don't have to create it yourself.



Both methods work fine. The first defines the new array as a char array, and the second creates an empty array and sets it equal to the char array; when you go to it both are the same, and the second just has more lines.

You can also save time and do:

for(char c : str_a.toCharArray()){




The method string.toCharArray()

returns a new one char[]

, you don't need to initialize this variable first.

Infact if you left your code as ...

char[] char_array = new char[str_a.length()];
char_array = str_a.toCharArray();


This initializes a variable for one instance char[]

and then removes that instance on the very next line. It's inefficient, pointless and confusing.



as shown in the code, you are using the variable c, but instead of c you must use char_arra

char[] char_array = new char[str_a.length()];

char_array = str_a.toCharArray();       

for (char d : char_array) {




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