INNER JOIN with multiple tables and keys

Well, let's get started.

I have 4 servers with the same database. There is a query that works great to get data from each DB separately. Something like that:

SELECT "blablablablabla"
FROM  [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OVPM T01 with (nolock)
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..VPM2 T11 with (nolock) ON T01.UnionAll_Empresa = T11.UnionAll_Empresa and T01.DocEntry = T11.DocNum
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..PCH6 T2 with (nolock) ON T11.UnionAll_Empresa = T2.UnionAll_Empresa and T11.DocEntry = T2.DocEntry and T11.InstId = T2.InstlmntID
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OPCH T3 with (nolock) ON T2.UnionAll_Empresa  = T3.UnionAll_Empresa and T2.DocEntry  = T3.DocEntry
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..PCH1 T3a with (nolock) ON T3.UnionAll_Empresa = T3a.UnionAll_Empresa and T3.DocEntry = T3a.DocEntry
LEFT JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OOCR T3b with (nolock) ON T3a.UnionAll_Empresa = T3b.UnionAll_Empresa and T3a.OcrCode2 = T3b.OcrCode
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OSLP T4 with (nolock) ON T4.UnionAll_Empresa   = T4.UnionAll_Empresa and T3.SlpCode   = T4.SlpCode  
and  T11.InvType = ''18''
AND T01.Canceled <> ''Y''
AND T01.CashSum > 0


Today we have one new database that combines all these 4 databases. Each table in this new DB is a view with and Union All, with the difference that I have now added a new column named "UnionAll_Empresa" to see which server this row came from.

For example:

SELECT 'G8Networks Solucoes' as UnionAll_Empresa, * from SBO_G8NETWORKS_SOLUCOES.dbo.AACP
SELECT 'G8Networks NIC' as UnionAll_Empresa, * from SBO_G8NETWORKS_NIC.dbo.AACP
SELECT 'SPIN' as UnionAll_Empresa, * from SBO_SPIN.dbo.AACP
SELECT 'FA2R' as UnionAll_Empresa, * from SBO_FA2R.dbo.AACP;


Now I need to reuse this old query with these new "tables". The problem is that now the primary keys are no longer unique as there are 4 servers in one table. So the solution would be to add the "UnionAll_Empresa" field (which reports the server name) as a key along with the primary keys in the query. The new request will be something like this:

SELECT "blalalalalala"
FROM  [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OVPM T01 with (nolock)
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..VPM2 T11 with (nolock) ON T01.DocEntry = T11.DocNum and T01.UnionAll_Empresa = T11.UnionAll_Empresa
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..PCH6 T2 with (nolock) ON  T11.DocEntry = T2.DocEntry and T11.InstId = T2.InstlmntID and T11.UnionAll_Empresa = T2.UnionAll_Empresa
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OPCH T3 with (nolock) ON  T2.DocEntry  = T3.DocEntry and T2.UnionAll_Empresa  = T3.UnionAll_Empresa
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..PCH1 T3a with (nolock) ON T3.DocEntry = T3a.DocEntry and T3.UnionAll_Empresa = T3a.UnionAll_Empresa
LEFT JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OOCR T3b with (nolock) ON  T3a.OcrCode2 = T3b.OcrCode and T3a.UnionAll_Empresa = T3b.UnionAll_Empresa
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OSLP T4 with (nolock) ON  T3.SlpCode   = T4.SlpCode and T4.UnionAll_Empresa   = T4.UnionAll_Empresa
WHERE T11.InvType = ''18''
AND T01.Canceled <> ''Y''
AND T01.CashSum > 0


But this shows an error:

The subquery returns more than 1 value. This is not valid when the subquery follows = ,! =, <, <=,>,> = or when a subquery is used as an expression.

It still finds multiple results for some primary key even when I add a comparison against the "UnionAll_Empresa" (source server name) column.

Am I doing something wrong?

--- Here is the complete request

set @vQuery = '
SELECT   --Pagametos de NF em dinheiro 
Base = ''' + @database + ''', 
NomeEmp = (select a.CompnyName from [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OADM a with (nolock)),
CNPJ = (select a.TaxIdNum from [UNION_ALL_BASES]..oadm a with (nolock)),
IE = (Select TaxIdNum2 from [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OADM with (nolock)),
Filial = (Select PrintHeadr from [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OADM with (nolock)),
Proj = isnull(T3.Project,''''),
OcrCode2 = isnull(T3a.OcrCode2,''0''),
OcrName = isnull(T3b.OcrName,''Sem projeto definido''),
''NF'' TipoDoc,
''DIN'' Tipo,
CardFName = (select CardFName from [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OCRD with (nolock) where OCRD.CardCode = T01.CardCode and OCRD.UnionAll_Empresa = T01.UnionAll_Empresa),
T01.DocEntry CodigoBaixaPagamento,
T11.DocEntry NumeroSapDocumento,
T01.DocDate DataDocBaixa,
T11.InstId Parcela,
'''' SituacaoParc,
''1900-01-01'' DataUltBaixa,
T2.InsTotal ValorDaParcelaOriginal,
T01.DocDate DataLancamentoBaixa,
T2.DueDate VencimentoOriginalParcela,
SerieNF = (select SeqName from [UNION_ALL_BASES]..NFN1 with (nolock) where SeqCode = T3.SeqCode and UnionAll_Empresa = T3.UnionAll_Empresa),
round((T3a.LineTotal/T3.DocTotal)*(T11.SumApplied/T01.DocTotal)*(T01.CashSum),2) ValorPago,
T01.DocTotal TotalBaixa,
T01.CashSum TotalDinBaixa,
T01.TrsfrSum TotalTransfBaixa,
T01.[CheckSum] TotalCHBaixa,
T01.BoeSum TotalBoeBaixa,
T01.CreditSum TotalCCredBaixa,
When T01.CashSum   > 0 Then ''Dinheiro''
When T01.TrsFrSum  > 0 Then ''Transferência''
When T01.CreditSum > 0 Then ''Cartao''
End TipoDocumento,
'''' NossoNumBol,
'''' DigNossoNumBol,
''1900-01-01'' VencBoleto,
'''' CodBancoBol,
'''' NomeBancoBol,
0 VlrTotBol,
'''' NomeFPagtoBol,
'''' LinhaDigBol,
'''' TrsfrRef,
'''' NumCH,
'''' DataCH,
'''' StatusCH,
0 VlrTotCH,
'''' BancoCH,
'''' AgenciaCH,
'''' ContaCH,
'''' BoeStatus,
'''' CodCCred,
'''' NomeCCred,
'''' NumComprCartao,
0 NumParcCartao,
''1900-01-01'' PrimVencimentoCartao,
0 VlrTotCartao,
VlrDin = round((T3a.LineTotal/T3.DocTotal)*(T11.SumApplied/T01.DocTotal) * T01.CashSum,2),
VlrTransf = 0,
VlrCredit = 0,
VlrBol = 0,
VlrCH = 0,
VlrCart = 0,
VlrDev = 0,
VlrBLI = 0
FROM  [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OVPM T01 with (nolock)
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..VPM2 T11 with (nolock) ON T01.DocEntry = T11.DocNum and T01.UnionAll_Empresa = T11.UnionAll_Empresa
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..PCH6 T2 with (nolock) ON  T11.DocEntry = T2.DocEntry and T11.InstId = T2.InstlmntID and T11.UnionAll_Empresa = T2.UnionAll_Empresa
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OPCH T3 with (nolock) ON  T2.DocEntry  = T3.DocEntry and T2.UnionAll_Empresa  = T3.UnionAll_Empresa
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..PCH1 T3a with (nolock) ON T3.DocEntry = T3a.DocEntry and T3.UnionAll_Empresa = T3a.UnionAll_Empresa
LEFT JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OOCR T3b with (nolock) ON  T3a.OcrCode2 = T3b.OcrCode and T3a.UnionAll_Empresa = T3b.UnionAll_Empresa
INNER JOIN [UNION_ALL_BASES]..OSLP T4 with (nolock) ON  T3.SlpCode   = T4.SlpCode and T4.UnionAll_Empresa   = T4.UnionAll_Empresa
WHERE T11.InvType = ''18''
AND T01.Canceled <> ''Y''
AND T01.CashSum > 0
exec ('insert into #RelContasPagar ' + @vQuery)



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2 answers

Am I doing something wrong?

Here's the problem with one of the join conditions:

and T4.UnionAll_Empresa   = T4.UnionAll_Empresa


T4 - T4!



I really feel like this question is outside my scope, but I will suggest what we are doing in a data warehouse project that I am working on. In addition to the standard ID primary key that we have in every table, in some cases we have added an additional key, which we call BK (Business Key), which we are trying to ensure is unique. Usage is slightly different from the standard identification key because BK is a string that has business-related information embedded in it. I could see that you are using it to have a "pseudo" primary key that can also tell you which server was the source for the row of data you received.

It might sound lame, but that's all I could think of.



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