Get the last step of the component wizard

The C # control has an ActiveStepChanged event that fires as you navigate through the steps of the wizard. The current step is stored in the ActiveStepIndex property. I need to get the step immediately preceding the current ActiveStepIndex.

I try this way but with no results so far:

ICollection s = wizTransferSheet.GetHistory(); 
IList steps = s as IList;
WizardStep lastStep = steps[steps.Count].Name;



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1 answer

Depending on how difficult your master is, it can be difficult sometimes. You can't always use ActiveStepIndex

. Fortunately, the wizard records the history of the steps visited, and you can use this to get the last visited step:

You can use this function to get the last visited step:

/// <summary>
/// Gets the last wizard step visited.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private WizardStep GetLastStepVisited()
    //initialize a wizard step and default it to null
    WizardStep previousStep = null;

    //get the wizard navigation history and set the previous step to the first item
    var wizardHistoryList = (ArrayList)wzServiceOrder.GetHistory();
    if (wizardHistoryList.Count > 0)
        previousStep = (WizardStep)wizardHistoryList[0];

    //return the previous step
    return previousStep;


Here's some sample code from one of our masters. The wizard is quite complex and there are many potential branches based on what the user is doing. Because of this branching, moving the master can be a problem. I don't know if this will be helpful to you, but I thought it was worth it just in case.

/// <summary>
/// Navigates the wizard to the appropriate step depending on certain conditions.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="currentStep">The active wizard step.</param>
private void NavigateToNextStep(WizardStepBase currentStep)
    //get the wizard navigation history and cast the collection as an array list 
    var wizardHistoryList = (ArrayList)wzServiceOrder.GetHistory();

    if (wizardHistoryList.Count > 0)
        var previousStep = wizardHistoryList[0] as WizardStep;
        if (previousStep != null)
            //determine which direction the wizard is moving so we can navigate to the correct step
            var stepForward = wzServiceOrder.WizardSteps.IndexOf(previousStep) < wzServiceOrder.WizardSteps.IndexOf(currentStep);

            if (currentStep == wsViewRecentWorkOrders)
                //if there are no work orders for this site then skip the recent work orders step
                if (grdWorkOrders.Items.Count == 0)
                    wzServiceOrder.MoveTo(stepForward ? wsServiceDetail : wsSiteInformation);
            else if (currentStep == wsExtensionDates)
                //if no work order is selected then bypass the extension setup step
                if (grdWorkOrders.SelectedItems.Count == 0)
                    wzServiceOrder.MoveTo(stepForward ? wsServiceDetail : wsViewRecentWorkOrders);
            else if (currentStep == wsSchedule)
                //if a work order is selected then bypass the scheduling step
                if (grdWorkOrders.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
                    wzServiceOrder.MoveTo(stepForward ? wsServicePreview : wsServiceDetail);




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