ShareKit + Facebook authentication not working

I am using ShareKit to post to Facebook from a PhoneGap app that I am working on. I created a Facebook app and installed the plugin in my project. Twitter works fine, but I get the following error when I try to share to Facebook:

"Error: Sorry, the application you are using is not configured correctly to integrate with Facebook. Please download the latest version of the application."

I've seen a couple of posts that seem to describe the same problem, but the "solutions" involve not using ShareKit and instead manual integration. This is not a solution!

Has anyone figured this out?

More details: ShareKit v0.2.1 Xcode: v4.3.1 PhoneGap (aka Cordova) v1.5.0


source to share

2 answers

Unfortunately, the original ShareKit from Nate Weiner is often not updated. Maybe you should check out ShareKit 2.0 . I had no problem integrating it into my application. At least Twitter and Facebook, where no problem, that's all I use at the moment.



go to facebook.m class and change authorization to NO as below:

  • (void) allows: (NSArray *) permissions {self.permissions = permissions;

    [self authorizeWithFBAppAuth: NO safariAuth: NO]; }



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