Python: Missing arguments in string formatting (lazy eval)

I'm trying to do some "post" / "lazy" evaluation of the arguments in my strings. Suppose I have this:

s = "SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {condition}" 


I want to return the replacement string {table_name}

, but not {condition}

, so something like this:

s1 = s.format(table_name = "users")


So, I can plot the hole string later, for example:

final = s1.format(condition= " = {id}".format(id=2))


The result should be, of course:

"SELECT * FROM users WHERE = 2" 


I found this previous answer, this is exactly what I need, but I would like to use a string function format


python format string Thanks for the help!


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6 answers

You cannot use the format function because it will raise a KeyError.


Supports Safe Replacement:

from string import Template
s = Template('SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE $condition')

'SELECT * FROM users WHERE $condition'


If you are using simple variable names (no format specifiers, no indexing, etc.) this will work as well (thanks @Simeon Visser for the idea):

def myformat(s, *args, **kwargs):
  while True:
      return s.format(*args, **kwargs)
    except KeyError as e:
      kwargs[e] = "{%s}" % e

s = "SELECT * FROM {table_name} WHERE {condition}" 
myformat(s, table_name="users")

'SELECT * FROM users WHERE {condition}'




You can replace the condition with yourself:

s.format(table_name='users', condition='{condition}')


which gives us:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE {condition}


You can use this line later to fill out the condition.



This builds on @Karoly Horvath's answer to add support for index keys and attribute access by named keys:

import re

def my_format(template, *args, **kwargs):
  next_index = len(args)
  while True:
      return template.format(*args, **kwargs)
    except KeyError as e:
      key = e.args[0]
      finder = '\{' + key + '.*?\}'
      template = re.sub(finder, '{\g<0>}', template)
    except IndexError as e:
      args = args + ('{' + str(next_index) + '}',)
      next_index += 1


So, to test this:

class MyObj:
  bar = 'baz'

  def __repr__(self):
    return '<MyObj instance>'

my_obj = MyObj()

template = '{0}, {1}, {foo}, {}, {0}, {10}, {missing}'
print my_format(template)
print my_format(template, '1st', '2nd', missing='Not Missing')
print my_format(template, foo=my_obj)



{0}, {1}, {foo}, {}, {0}, {10}, {missing}
1st, 2nd, {foo}, {}, 1st, {10}, Not Missing
{0}, {1}, <MyObj instance>, baz, {0}, {10}, {missing}




I've been using this function for a while now, resulting in Dict

injecting keyword arguments as an object SafeDict

that it subclasses Dict


def safeformat(str, **kwargs):
        class SafeDict(dict):
                def __missing__(self, key):
                    return '{' + key + '}'
        replacements = SafeDict(**kwargs)
        return str.format_map(replacements)


I haven't done this, but I find it a good solution. The only downside is that you cannot make a call mystring.safeformat(**kwargs)

- of course you have to call safeformat(mystring,**kwargs)


If you're really interested in being able to call mystr.safeformat(**kwargs)

(which I'm interested in doing!), Consider this:

class safestr(str):
    def safeformat(self, **kwargs):
        class SafeDict(dict):
                def __missing__(self, key):
                        return '{' + key + '}'
        replacements = SafeDict(**kwargs)
        return safestr(self.format_map(replacements))


Then you can create an object safestr

like a = safestr(mystr)

(for some str

, called mystr

) and you can actually call mystr.safeformat(**kwargs)



mysafestr = safestr('Hey, {friendname}. I am {myname}.')



Hey, Bill. I am {myname}.

This is cool in some cases - you can get around the partially formatted one safestr

and can call safeformat

in different contexts. I especially like to name mystr.format(**locals())

for formatting with appropriate namespace variables; the method is safeformat

especially useful in this case because I don't always look carefully at my namespace.

The main problem is that inherited methods from str

return an object str

, not safestr

. Thus, it mysafestr.lower().safeformat(**kwargs)

fails. You can of course use safestr

when using safeformat




but this is less than a perfect view. I want Python to just give method str

a safeformat




This is a small change in @ ShawnFumo's answer that has a small bug. We need to add word boundary checking (\ b in regex) to make sure we are only matching the failed key and another key starting on the same line. This prevents missing {foo} keys from treating {food} and {foolish} as if they were missing.

import re

def my_format(template, *args, **kwargs):
  next_index = len(args)
  while True:
      return template.format(*args, **kwargs)
    except KeyError as e:
      key = e.args[0]
      finder = r'\{' + key + r'\b.*?\}'
      template = re.sub(finder, r'{\g<0>}', template)
    except IndexError as e:
      args = args + ('{' + str(next_index) + '}',)
      next_index += 1


So, to test this:

class MyObj:
  bar = 'baz'

  def __repr__(self):
    return '<MyObj instance>'

my_obj = MyObj()

template = '{0}, {1}, {foo}, {}, {0}, {10}, {missing}'
print my_format(template)
print my_format(template, '1st', '2nd', missing='Not Missing')
print my_format(template, foo=my_obj)


template2 = '{foo} and {food}'
print my_format(template2)
print my_format(template2, food='burger')
print my_format(template2, foo=my_obj, food='burger')



{0}, {1}, {foo}, {}, {0}, {10}, {missing}
1st, 2nd, {foo}, {}, 1st, {10}, Not Missing
{0}, {1}, <MyObj instance>, baz, {0}, {10}, {missing}

{foo} and {food}
{foo} and burger
repr(<MyObj instance>) and burger




An alternative string.Template.safe_substitute

would be to subclassify string.Formatter

as follows:

class LazyFormatter(string.Formatter):
    def get_value(self, key, args, kwargs):
        '''Overrides string.Formatter.get_value'''
        if isinstance(key, (int, long)):
            return args[key]
            return kwargs.get(key, '{{{0}}}'.format(key))

lazyfmt = LazyFormatter()
print lazyfmt.format("{field}: {value}", **{'field': 'foo'})



foo: {value}




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