Paypal: waiting time for payment

We are using the "Website Payment Standards" method, and now we would like to set a timeout (30 minutes) on our customer payments. In other words, the client must complete the registration of the payment within 30 minutes, otherwise he must complete this process again.

My problem is that I cannot find any variables in the API that match my needs.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem?


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3 answers


There is currently no way to revoke paykey and no timeout value can be specified. The default timeout value for PayPal is 5 minutes (after it is inactive), however the key key is useful for 3 hours. So if the user had to copy the redirect url (before logging in), this url (with the paykey key) will be useful for 3 hours.

So ... there is no solution :(



If you go to the Payments Pro site, you may have more control over this (when the final payment is taken on your site, not Paypal), but there is no standard with the standard as they leave your site and come back, this is only after how did they pay ..



Just to be simple, you can't have a timeout in Standard Mode, but you can use it in Pro Mode.



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