Construct a string as in the printf function

printf("%d.%d.%d", year, month, day);


Is it possible to do the same, but without printing, for example

char* date = "%d.%d.%d", year, month, day;


Or maybe some other easy ways to do it?


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5 answers

Plain c has asprintf (), which will allocate memory to store the resulting string:

#include <stdio.h>
char *date;
asprintf(&date, "%d.%d.%d", year, month, day);


(processing error omitted)

Since you tagged C ++, you probably want to use C ++ solutions.



In C ++:

#include <string>

std::string date = std::to_string(year) + '.' +
                   std::to_string(month) + '.' + std::to_string(day);


If you want a basic one char const *

, let's say date.c_str()


The function std::to_string

uses snprintf

internally; you should probably look for this feature as it is pretty fundamental to formatted output and you can use it directly if you really think you need it.



There are various implementations of a function format

that looks something like this:

std::string format(const std::string& fmt, ...);


so your example:

std::string date = format("%d.%d.%d", year, month, day);


One possible implementation is shown below.

Boost has a library format that works a little differently. You are supposed to like cin

it cout

and their ilk:

cout << boost::format("%1%.%2%.%3%") % year % month % day;


Or, if you just want the line:

boost::format fmt("%1%.%2%.%3%");
fmt % year % month % day;
std::string date = fmt.str();


Please note that the flags are %

not what you are used to.

Finally, if you want to use a C ( char*

) string instead of C ++ string

, you can use the function asprintf


char* date; 
if(asprintf(&date, "%d.%d.%d", year, month, day) == -1)
{ /* couldn't make the string; format was bad or out of memory. */ }


You can even use vasprintf

to have your own function format

return a C ++ string:

std::string format(const char* fmt, ...)
    char* result = 0;
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, fmt);
    if(vasprintf(*result, fmt, ap) == -1)
        throw std::bad_alloc();
    std::string str_result(result);
    return str_result;


It's not very efficient, but it works. There could also be a way to call vsnprintf

twice, the first one without a buffer to get the formatted length of the string, then allocate a string object with the required capacity, then call a second time to get the string. This avoids allocating memory twice, but you need to make two passes through the formatted string.



In C ++, I wrote a function to create strings using printf format.

Header file stringf.h :

#ifndef STRINGF_H
#define STRINGF_H

#include <string>

template< typename... argv >
std::string stringf( const char* format, argv... args ) {
    const size_t SIZE = std::snprintf( NULL, 0, format, args... );

    std::string output;
    std::snprintf( &(output[0]), SIZE+1, format, args... );
    return std::move(output);




#include "stringf.h"

int main(){
    int year = 2020;
    int month = 12;
    int day = 20
    std::string date = stringf("%d.%d.%d", year, month, day);
    // date == "2020.12.20"




In C, use a sprintf

function from stdio.h

a header file.

char  buffer[100];
sprintf(buffer,"%d.%d.%d", year, month, day);


See here for details .



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