Facebook Flash not working in IE

I am working on an FB canvas application using Flash with 3D graphics. I have to enable my SWF with the wmode = "direct" parameter.

According to FB documentation , when using wmode = "direct", FB hides the Flash object when showing the popup / dialog (buy credits, chat, notifications, etc.), and after the popup it shows the flash again.

In Chrome and Firefox it works, but in IE , after closing the dialog, I checked the style of the flash element and saw that visibility = visible, but still the flash drive is still hidden!

I tried several approaches, all with the same result:

  • Don't use "hideFlashCallback" in FB.init (let FB do it automatically)
  • Using "hideFlashCallback":

    function onFlashHide(params) {  
      if (params.state == 'opened') {  
      } else if (params.state == 'closed') {  
    function hideFlash() {  
      $('#flashContent').css('visibility', 'hidden');  
    function showFlash() {  
      $('#flashContent').css('visibility', 'visible');  


Another link to FB documentation: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/tutorial/#flash


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2 answers

I had the same problem with IE when calling FB.ui functions. The Facebook dialog will open but Flash will not return when you close.

I found a trick that solves this. Before calling FB functions, use javascript to set focus to another HTML element. After that, the Flash object became visible again when I finished the dialogue with Facebook.

    // IE9 has a problem where the Flash object won't regain 
// focus if it has focus when the FB UI is called.  To fix this,
// We'll redirect focus before the call.
var lFocus = document.getElementById('focus_target');


Hope it helps.



Have you tried using display: none;

and display:block

instead of visibility: hidden

and visibility: visible

? In past projects, I've noticed that IE sometimes has problems with the visibility

CSS property ...



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