Long and multi-format path manipulation library?

Is there any open source open source library that supports all of the following?

  • Unlimited path lengths (i.e. the only limit must be from a range size_t

    , not arbitrary limits, such as 256 characters)

  • Basic manipulations such as canonicalization equivalent basename

    , dirname

    getting file extension, obtaining root, etc.

  • All valid paths and file names in the style of Windows, such as \Rooted

    , Dir/

    , C:\Dir/foo

    , File

    , \\Computer\Dir/File

    , \\.\C:

    , Foo\./.\Bar:ADS


    • I believe this should also cover POSIX-style paths, but if not, they should work too.

I'd prefer C ++, but C is great too.


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2 answers

Sounds like QDir and QFileInfo from Qt 4 .



Cwalk can do it. This is a small C path library.



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