Detect mouse

I am trying to detect when the mouse is being held down instead of clicking. This is what I have, but instead of the number of clicks, I want to detect that the mouse is being held down.

-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event;
    //instead of clickCount I want my if statement to be 
    // if the mouse is being held down.
    if ([event clickCount] < 1) 

    else if ([event clickCount] > 1)




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3 answers

Presumably, you want to determine if the mouse is being held down for a certain period of time. It's pretty simple; it just requires a timer.

In yours, mouseDown:

you start a timer that will fire after the period you choose. You need to insert this into the ivar because you will also be linking to it inmouseUp:

- (void)mouseDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent {
    mouseTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:mouseHeldDelay


In mouseUp:

destroy the timer:

- (void)mouseUp: (NSEvent *)theEvent {
    [mouseTimer invalidate];
    mouseTimer = nil;


If the timer fires, you know that the mouse button is held down for the specified period of time, and you can take any action you like:

- (void)mouseWasHeld: (NSTimer *)tim {
    NSEvent * mouseDownEvent = [tim userInfo];
    mouseTimer = nil;
    // etc.




Since OS X 10.6, you can use the NSEvent

s method pressedMouseButtons

from anywhere:

NSUInteger mouseButtonMask = [NSEvent pressedMouseButtons];
BOOL leftMouseButtonDown = (mouseButtonMask & (1 << 0)) != 0;
BOOL rightMouseButtonDown = (mouseButtonMask & (1 << 1)) != 0;


The method returns the indices of the mouse buttons currently down as a mask. 1 << 0

corresponds to the left mouse button, 1 << 1

to the right mouse button, and 1 << n

n> = 2 to other mouse keys.

In this case, you do not need to catch events mouseDown:

, mouseDragged:

or mouseUp:




As far as I remember, mouseDown only fires when the user first clicks on the element, not when held down.

The solution to your problem is to define BOOL in your .h like this:

bool mouseIsHeldDown = false;


Then in your mouseDown:

mouseIsHeldDown = true;


And in your mouseUP:

mouseIsHeldDown = false;


Then you can check if mouseIsHeldDown = true in your code.

Hope this problem is fixed!



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