Controller for ASP.NET MVC Partial Views

I recently started building a website with ASP.NET MVC 4 and I am trying to wrap my head around how it works.

There is some data that I would like to display on each page and realized that Partial Views are great for this.

Is it possible to create a controller that always provides data for a partial view? Or how can I solve this?


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3 answers

This is called a child activity.

Challenge Html.Action(...)




You can create a controller action for partial view. But if you are looking for nesting something on every page, you should consider adding it to the _Layout.cshtml page

You can create a normal action method that returns a partial view like this

public ActionResult UserInfo()
  UserViewModel objVm=GetUserInf();
  //  do some stuff

 return View("PartialUserInfo",objVM);



This will return a view with the name " PartialUserInfo

" present in your folder Views/Users

(Assuming your controller name is Users. If you want to specify a view that is in a different location, you can mention it when you call the view method



This will return a View called "UserInfo" in your folder Views/Users/Partial


in your partial view you can disable the normal layout (if you have one), doint this

@model UserViewModel 




One way is to have a model for the parent view (one of which contains all the partial parts) that contains the models for the partial views as properties in its model




This way you can do it in the parent view





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