Python "Bye" Loop logic is wrong?

I have a Python script that queries the MySQL database every 5 seconds, collecting the last three IDs for support tickets. I am using MySQLdb as my driver. But the problem is in my "while" loop when I check if two arrays are equal. If they are NOT equal, I type "New ticket has arrived". But it never prints! See my code:

import MySQLdb
import time

# Connect
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="", user="example", passwd="example", db="helpdesk_db", port=4040)
cursor = db.cursor()

IDarray = ([0,0,0])
IDarray_prev = ([0,0,0])

cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Tickets ORDER BY id DESC limit 3;")
numrows = int(cursor.rowcount)
for x in range(0,numrows):
   row = cursor.fetchone()
   for num in row:
      IDarray_prev[x] = int(num)

while 1:
   cursor = db.cursor()
   cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM Tickets ORDER BY id DESC limit 3;")

   numrows = int(cursor.rowcount)
   for x in range(0,numrows):
      row = cursor.fetchone()
      for num in row:
         IDarray[x] = int(num)

   print IDarray_prev, " --> ", IDarray
   if(IDarray != IDarray_prev): 
      print "A new ticket has arrived."

   IDarray_prev = IDarray


Now that this ran, I created a new ticket, the result looks like this:

[11474, 11473, 11472]  -->  [11474, 11473, 11472]
[11474, 11473, 11472]  -->  [11474, 11473, 11472]
[11474, 11473, 11472]  -->  [11474, 11473, 11472]
[11474, 11473, 11472]  -->  [11474, 11473, 11472]
[11475, 11474, 11473]  -->  [11475, 11474, 11473]
[11475, 11474, 11473]  -->  [11475, 11474, 11473]
[11475, 11474, 11473]  -->  [11475, 11474, 11473]
[11475, 11474, 11473]  -->  [11475, 11474, 11473]
[11475, 11474, 11473]  -->  [11475, 11474, 11473]


Where is the format of my output:

[Previous_Last_Ticket, Prev_2nd_to_last, Prev_3rd] --> [Current_Last, 2nd-to-last, 3rd]


Note the change in numbers and, more importantly, the lack of "New Ticket Arrived"!


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2 answers

The problem lies in the following line:

IDarray_prev = IDarray


In Python, this means that it IDarray_prev

refers to the same underlying list as IDarray

. Changes in one will be reflected in the other, because they both point to the same thing.

To make a copy of the list that you can use for comparison later, try:

IDarray_prev = IDarray[:]



is Python's snippet notation which means "a copy of the entire list".



Python works with references, so you basically change both lists after the first iteration (since they both have the same reference after being assigned IDarray

to IDarray_prev


Try assigning a copy IDarray

with IDArray_prev = list(IDarray)




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