Convert video (any type) to audio -mp3 format - using python

I am working on a project using Python running on Google App Engine. The project should allow users to download a video file and then convert those files to an mp3 file. Is there a way to convert this video to mp3 / wav audio?

Can anyone suggest a solution? Thanks in advance.


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3 answers

You don't want to do this in Python, video converting requires working built-ins that App Engine does not support.
You can try a third-party web service that does the conversion for you, or send the conversion task to an external server.



You can use FFMPEG to convert.

there is a python shell here

or pymedia



You will run into problems with GAE because libraries with native components are not always available there; it may not be possible at all.

If you plan on using a more typical Python application server environment rather than GAE, I would do so using the Python GStreamer Binding ; GStreamer allows you to customize the media pipeline (decoders / demuxers / encoders, etc.) and is otherwise ideal for this application (other than platform availability).



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