Method to Get iPhone Information from Mac Application

I was asked a question that requires immediate development, but I was lost. The challenge was to make a Mac application to get the UDID (and other information) of the iPhone connected to the Mac and then export it to a csv file. The same can be achieved using iTunes or iPhone Configuration Utility, copy to Excel or Numbers, but it is very time consuming and users have requested something like this:

-User connects iPhone to Mac

-User starts the application.

-iPhone data is extracted and exported to a csv file.

Exporting csv files is already covered, so now I need a method (as Sarah said in the comments) in the Mac SDK that will allow me to get this information. After working for a few hours on google, I found out that I can use IOKit to get information from devices connected via USB ports, but nothing else showed up, indicating how to do it.

Sorry if this is too easy, I think a simple google search might be enough, but I still can't find any links. Thanks for the help.

EDIT : Now I think it is not that easy. I got the ability to use IOKit to get information from a USB device using this example . But after that I have no idea what to do. I am still reading the IOKit documentation, but if there are others who have encountered this and know the solution, it will be of great help.


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1 answer

Check the link (for UDID and serial number) and this too (for mac addredd). Also


NSString * udid = [[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier];



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