How to set up magento admin to send email to client when order is canceled

I am using magento 1.5 and I need to send an email to a customer for their order to be canceled by an administrator. can someone help and show me the steps to do this part in magento admin panel.?

I really need your help. thanks in advance, your reply is highly appreciated.


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1 answer

You should use an event to see if the order has been canceled. I don't know if there is such parity ( sales_order_cancelled

or something like that), otherwise you could try to observe sales_order_save_after

and check if the order was canceled and then send an email.

========== EDIT ===========

From what I read at you should use an event order_cancel_after

. Check app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order.php

to see how it is called.



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