Mongoid removes a subset of (invalid) inline documents in one go

This question Mondoid deleting inline documents is not saved explains how to delete either all subdocuments or one at a time

I am looking for a way to remove all my invalid inline documents in one go

model User
  embeds_many :posts
model Post
  embedded_in :user


Suppose I have a user with multiple invalid posts, how can I remove them from db? The following do not work (most likely for a reason similar to the one in the linked question)



I am looking for something like


But marked_for_destruction

only exists in the c version of the request ?

, not as an actual installer.

Any idea? How do you usually clean up invalid nested records ?

Note. My typical case of invalid occurrence is that my inline document is referencing an external document (with validation presence_of

) and that the external document is being deleted without properly executing callbacks


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