Set MSDTC properties using COMadmin

I am trying to automate the configuration of MSDTC properties in C #, I have to set the MSDTC security configuration (Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer -> Properties -> MSDTC -> Security Configuration),

  • "DTC Network Access" - Enable
  • "Allow remote clients" - enable
  • "Allow remote clients" - enable
  • "Allow remote administration" - enable

In the section "Transaction Manager Management"

  • "Allow incoming" - enable
  • "Allow outgoing" - enable
  • No authentication required
  • Enable XA Transactions - Enable

i'am can set local machine properties using comadmin class, , but I couldn't find a way to access and set properties security at MSDTC, I will be grateful if someone can help me overcome this issue.


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