Parlaying event url into event id for use with API

I am creating an application that will aggregate events added to it by users. I would really like people to paste in the Eventbrite url and then figure out what the event ID is, so I can fetch data about that from the API.

I am having trouble figuring out a sensible and reliable way to do this.

  • Sometimes the event has an EID in the url as in

  • Sometimes they don't, as in

Here is a tag <link rel="canonical">

which, in the case of the Yuris Night example above, points to a custom domain rather than a regular eventbrite page, so it

points to


There's a tag <link rel="alternate" type="text/calendar">

that has an event id embedded in its url, but it's 404s, so I'm a bit unsure about its gullibility (it would be nice to test it first by executing it).

The search <link type="text/calendar">

seems to be the best at the moment , but I'm worried about its long term viability given the 404s. Is there anything else I'm missing? Is there an official way to do this?


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1 answer

Eventbrite has no tools available to resolve event_id from custom subdomains page urls (which are selectable).

You might be able to find these events using the event_search API method .

All published Eventbrite event pages will always be accessible via the following URL scheme (regardless of whether a custom subdomain URL is configured):

If you can find the event_id, then all links created using the specified URL structure should always be valid.



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