Hide app icon from dock but keep icon in task switcher?

You can show / hide the application icon from both the Dock and the Task Switcher by setting the "Application is agent (UIElement)" property to YES / NO.

However, is it possible to show the app in the task switcher (Cmd + Tab) but not show up in the Dock?



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1 answer

I'm pretty sure this is not possible, and that the dock and app switcher use the same list to decide what should appear in them.

The reason I believe this is because there is actually a procedure to remove an application icon from the Dock while the target application is running, which has nothing to do with the LSUIElement key. (It essentially consists of renaming / moving the app bundle and then restarting the Dock.) Even so, the app doesn't appear in the switch.

(You can find the complete procedure at macosxhints.com if you're interested.)



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