WIX reinstalling the function increases the installer size

I have several features in my setup. I also included the Edit option. that is, the user can change what he wants to install or uninstall after the initial installation.

When a feature is removed using this Change option, it is removed. I would expect the installer to be reduced in size, but it will remain the same. Now when the feature is later added using the Modify option, the overall installer size increases.

Is there a way to control this or does it always work like this?

Note. By the size of an installer, I mean the size or space in bytes / KB / MB that it takes up, as shown in the Add or Remove Programs section.


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1 answer

The size that you refer to in Add or Remove Programs is automatically calculated by MSI during File Estimation and the EstimatedSize section is determined .

Usually the correct size is not a problem for most authors and users of the installation, so I would not advise you to do your best. However, if you must fix this, check out this SO post:

Using the EstimatedSize value inside the uninstall key to correctly display the size of the program in the Add / Remove Programs list



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