Is there a more readable way of expressing javascript closure?

I would like to update some data with JSON when the user clicks on the object. I came up with the following double closure.

var buildGetJSON = function(m,t,p,u) { 
  return function ()  {
    var buildUpdateParticipants = function(m,t,p) {
      return function(data) { updateParticipants(m,t,data,p); };
    $.getJSON(u, buildUpdateParticipants(m,t,p));
marker.on("click", buildGetJSON(marker, title, popmsg, url));


This works, but made me wonder if there is a more concise way to put this in than by writing a closure variable for the two function calls. Any hints?


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2 answers

Yes, the second close is redundant.

function buildGetJSON(m,t,p,u) {
  return function() {
    $.getJSON(u, function(data) {
marker.on("click", buildGetJSON(marker,title,popmsg,url));


If you only use buildGetJSON once, you can simplify it even further by making the buildGetJSON function anonymous.

marker.on("click", function(m,t,p,u) {return function() {
  $.getJSON(u, function(data) {


Here's another way to do it completely with anonymous functions. It doesn't collapse over multiple lines, but I think it looks a little clearer.

!function(m,t,p,u) {
  marker.on("click", function() {
    $.getJSON(u, function(data) {




Why not just do it?

marker.on("click", function () {
    $.getJSON(url, function (data) {
        updateParticipants(marker, title, data, popmsg);


Looks much more synoptic - at least to me :-)

But keep in mind: if variables marker

, title

etc. may change and you don't want it, you need additional closure. For example. if you call this, for example, in a loop, and the variable marker

(or other variables) is changing through the loop! Then you need to wrap the code in another closure in a loop:

for (marker in markers) {
    (function (marker) {
        // above code


Closures are a very nice and very powerful JavaScript property once you know how to use them. Watch the video "The JavaScript Programming Language" by Douglas Crockford, they explain it in a great way.



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