How do I check for equality of values?

I am starting with Java, so please refrain from doing this.

I have a class:

class Point {
  public int x;
  public int y;

  public Point (int x, int y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;


I am creating two instances:

Point a = new Point(1, 1);
Point b = new Point(1, 1);


I want to check if these two points are in the same place. The obvious way,, if (a == b) { ... }

does not work as it sounds like "are the objects equal?" kind of test which is not what I want.

I can do if ( (a.x == b.x) && (a.y == b.y) ) { ... }

, but this solution is not very good.

How can I take two Point Objects and check for equality, coordinate in a wise, elegant way?


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2 answers

The standard protocol is to implement the method equals()


class Point {
  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (!(obj instanceof Point)) return false;
    Point rhs = (Point)obj;
    return x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y;


Then you can use a.equals(b)


Note that once you've done this, you also need to implement the method hashCode()


For classes like yours, I use Apache Commons Lang a lot EqualsBuilder

and HashCodeBuilder


class Point {

  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, obj);

  public int hashCode() {
    return HashCodeBuilder.reflectionHashCode(this);




You want to override the method hashCode()

and equals()

. If you are using Eclipse, you can make Eclipse do this by going to Source -> Generate hashCode() and equals()..

. After you override these methods, you can call:

if(a.equals(b)) { ... }




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