How do you count great grandson objects in a Rails application?

can anyone help me count the number of great grandchildren records in a Rails application?

For example, I want to do something like the following:

class Country
  has_many :states
  has_many :cities, :through => :states
  has_many :events, :through => :cities

class State
  belongs_to :country
  has_many :cities
  has_many :events, :through => :cities

class City
  has_one :country, :through => state
  belongs_to :state
  has_many :events

class Event
  belongs_to :city,  :counter_cache => true 
  has_one :state, :through => city,  :counter_cache => true 
  has_one :country, :through => :state, :counter_cache => true 


Therefore, I want to be able to access the number of events for each city, for each state and for each country.

I have City and State, but I can't seem to get the counter_cache that works on the grand grandent Country model.

Did I miss something? Is it possible? Is there a better way to do this?

I really appreciate some of the community ideas. Thank!


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2 answers

Do you observe that episode railscasts counter cache? This might be helpful. .

If you just want to count multiple levels down, you can chain multiple operators to get an answer. However, this will not be terribly efficient due to multiple DB calls to achieve this, so it would be better to cache the account if you use this account frequently.

Here's an example of getting all events in a country (unverified), for example:

country = Country.find(params[:id])
number_of_events_in_country = 0
country.states.each{|s| s.cities.each{|c| number_of_events_in_country +=}}




If it's a grandparents relationship, you can just use has_many

via (as you pointed out above), but you have a great relationship with your grandparents and it won't work for that.

One thing you could do (if you have multiple levels of parenting to child) is putting a method in your Country class to parse it.

class Country
  has_many :states
  has_many :cities, :through => :states
  attr_accessor :events

  def initialize
    @events =

  def get_events
    self.states.each{|s| s.each{|c| c.each{|e| @events << e }}}



Then just call the get_events method and the events will be populated with all the events associated with the first record.

usa = Country.first




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