Web page accessibility and qTip

I recently implemented the qTip jQuery plugin and I love it very much. Having recently looked at a code review with my boss, web accessibility came up in the discussion and it was qTip that was considered.

I am currently running qTip so that when hovering over certain icons on my qTip enabled web pages, a tooltip is displayed to the user. Well, this works great for people who use a mouse, but for those who only use the keyboard, it won't work ...

I started doing some research on web accessibility and I read the stuff mostly on the W3C .

What I want to do is enable keyboard / screen reader functionality for qTip.

Do you have any work to do to make qTip compatible with web accessibility?

I am absolutely not looking for "someone to write code" here. Just look for small examples and any tips for implementing web accessibility using the qTip plugin.


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1 answer

I would do something along these lines ...

Add the content you want to the qTip HTML Markup (not the title attribute):

<a href="#">
  <span class="hidden">This is the qtip content</span>
  And this is the link content


Hide qTip content with CSS (even better would be to use something like modernizr to only hide content if the user had JavaScript, namely .js .hidden

for the selector):

.hidden {
   position: absolute;
   display: block;
   top: -10000px;
   left: -10000px;
   font-size: 1px;


Then, after including the jQuery and qTip scripts, create qTips using the hidden content for the qTip content and add the focusin

and events focusout

to show / hide the qTip:

   content: {
      text: function(api) {
         return $(this).children('.hidden').text();

   $('a').focusin(function() {
      $(this).qtip('toggle', true);
   $('a').focusout(function() {
      $(this).qtip('toggle', false);


Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/MnB6Q/



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